Tradier Partnership Announcement

By Jay Wolberg | June 25, 2021
Tags: Partnerships

Tradier Brokerage Partnership

Real-Time Data:

If you have a Tradier Brokerage account, you can get now up-to-the-minute data updates on our GEX Charts, Options Volume Charts, and 0-DTE Charts pages.

First, sign up for a Tradier account here.

After you have a funded Tradier account, you can activate your key on the Tradier Portal page. This will allow Stocks+ subscribers to use our Premium features for no additional cost. Note that your Tradier key expires every 24 hours.

If you want added convenience, you can eliminate the need to re-activate your key each day you can now enter a static Tradier Access Token on our Preferences page. (Obtain your Access Token from

We are also pleased to offer the ability to place trades in your Tradier Brokerage account from our Options Volume page.